2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Jonell Solomon 's blog ::Almond Milk Oatmeal with Fruit Salad

Jonell Solomon 's blog ::Almond Milk Oatmeal with Fruit Salad

Rice               milk               will               always               be               one               of               my               favorite               beverages,               but               I               have               to               admit               that               I               have               not               had               it               in               quite               some               time.

However,               I               cannot               attribute               this               to               the               taste               and               rather               force               of               habit.

About               a               year               back               or               so               I               started               drinking               almond               milk               on               a               regular               basis.

It               was               something               that               both               my               mom               and               sister               recommended               and               it               was               very               well               received               by               my               son               who               feels               that               it               is               his               favorite               beverage,               especially               if               it               is               vanilla               flavored.

I               was               pleased               that               it               was               not               soy               based,               since               I               have               been               trying               to               cut               back               on               that               as               we               tend               to               eat               it               a               lot,               but               I               began               wondering               if               it               was               better               than               rice               milk.

To               find               out               I               decided               to               do               a               nutrition               comparison               of               Rice               Dream               Original               Flavor               Rice               Milk               and               Almond               Breeze               Original               Flavor               Almond               Milk.

Rice               Milk               and               Almond               Milk               Have               in               Common               
               Having               previously               looked               at               non-dairy               beverages'               nutrition               facts               I               figured               there               would               quite               a               few               things               in               common               for               rice               milk               and               almond               milk.

Both               the               rice               milk               and               the               almond               milk               I               looked               over               contained               the               same               amount               of               total               fat,               saturated               fat               and               trans               fat.

Additionally               both               showed               no               milligrams               for               cholesterol               and               only               one               gram               for               protein.

I               have               always               been               disappointed               with               the               limited               amount               of               protein               that               some               non-dairy               drinks               come               with               so               this               was               not               surprising               to               me.

In               the               minerals               and               vitamins               section               there               were               more               similarities.

Both               offer               0%               for               vitamin               C,               4%               for               iron,               10%               for               vitamin               A               and               25%               for               vitamin               D.
               Rice               Milk               and               Almond               Milk               Differ               
               Despite               having               so               much               in               common               I               definitely               noticed               some               differences               between               the               two               beverages               after               analyzing               the               nutrition               facts               of               both               of               them.

The               rice               milk               contained               twice               as               many               calories               but               five               calories               less               from               fat.

It               contained               50               milligrams               less               of               sodium               as               well.

Additionally               the               rice               milk               contained               five               grams               more               of               total               carbohydrates               and               three               grams               more               of               sugars.

The               almond               milk               had               50%               more               calcium               than               the               rice               milk,               but               the               rice               milk               listed               13%               more               than               almond               milk               for               phosphorus.
               What               Rice               Milk               Has               that               Almond               Milk               Does               Not               
               One               of               the               first               things               that               I               noticed               that               was               listed               on               the               nutrition               facts               of               the               rice               milk               that               was               not               on               almond               milk               nutrition               facts               was               polyunsaturated               fat               and               monounsaturated               fat,               however               it               is               likely               that               the               almond               contains               these               but               does               not               list               them.

To               be               honest               there               was               nothing               that               the               rice               milk               lacked               that               the               almond               milk               did               not               as               well               with               the               exception               of               vitamin               B12.

The               vitamin               B12               was               listed               with               25%               for               the               rice               milk               but               not               mentioned               on               the               almond               milk.
               What               Almond               Milk               Has               that               Rice               Milk               Does               Not               
               The               almond               milk               listed               potassium               at               180               milligrams,               a               significant               amount,               while               the               rice               milk               does               not               list               potassium               at               all.

It               also               listed               one               gram               of               fiber               while               the               rice               milk               lists               no               grams.

The               almond               milk               also               listed               several               nutrients               in               the               minerals               and               vitamins               section               that               were               not               listed               in               the               rice               milk.

These               were               vitamin               E,               riboflavin,               magnesium,               zinc,               copper               and               manganese.

The               vitamin               E               list               50%,               the               manganese               listed               6%,               the               magnesium               listed               4%               and               the               riboflavin,               zinc,               and               copper               each               listed               2%.
               As               far               as               these               two               brands               go               there               are               some               definite               factors               determining               which               is               better               for               you.

Assuming               that               taste               is               not               an               issue               I               think               that               each               one               has               some               unique               strengths.

For               instance               this               particular               brand               of               almond               milk               does               not               offer               any               vitamin               B12.

This               is               a               very               special               nutrient,               especially               for               vegetarians.

However,               the               almond               milk               did               offer               significantly               more               calcium               making               it               a               better               choice               for               anyone               hoping               to               increase               their               calcium               intake               without               drinking               traditional               milk.

However,               if               low               sodium               foods               and               beverages               were               a               must               for               someone's               diet               that               person               may               want               to               stick               with               the               rice               milk               as               it               has               nearly               half               as               much               sodium               than               the               almond               milk.

Which               is               best               is               up               to               you               and               what               you               need               in               your               non-dairy               drink.

If               you               are               interested               in               what               other               almond               milks               have               to               offer               I               would               consider               reading               the               Silk               Pure               Almond               Original               Flavor               Almond               Milk               Review.

Image of nutrition of almond milk

nutrition of almond milk
nutrition of almond milk

nutrition of almond milk Image 1

nutrition of almond milk
nutrition of almond milk

nutrition of almond milk Image 2

nutrition of almond milk
nutrition of almond milk

nutrition of almond milk Image 3

nutrition of almond milk
nutrition of almond milk

nutrition of almond milk Image 4

nutrition of almond milk
nutrition of almond milk

nutrition of almond milk Image 5

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