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About 'silk milk nutrition'|Silk for Milk 10 Day Challenge Review and Giveaway

About 'silk milk nutrition'|Silk for Milk 10 Day Challenge Review and Giveaway

For               a               long               time               I               have               been               using               rice               milk               in               my               cereal               and               oatmeal               as               well               as               using               it               in               any               recipes               that               call               for               milk.

However,               when               my               son               became               old               enough               to               drink               milk,               I               wanted               to               switch               to               soy               milk               for               the               higher               protein               content.

As               the               result               of               the               sale               I               decided               to               try               out               some               Westsoy               Organic               Plain               Soy               Milk.

This               was               the               first               time               that               I               had               tried               this               soy               milk.

I               use               to               regularly               have               soy               milk               on               hand               so               I               was               very               familiar               with               the               taste,               or               at               least               the               taste               of               the               Silk               brand               soy               milk.

I               thought               that               the               taste               that               this               soy               milk               had               was               good               but               I               also               thought               that               it               had               a               distinct               taste               that               I               was               more               mellow               in               the               previous               soy               milk               that               I               had               tried               before.

Although               this               did               not               bother               me               and               I               didn't               look               at               it               as               a               negative               thing               I               wondered               how               my               son               would               feel               about               it.

As               a               two               year               old               he               isn't               completely               open               to               all               tastes               but               he               definitely               is               less               picky               than               most               toddlers,               still               I               wasn't               sure               how               he               would               feel               about               this               new               taste.
               He               didn't               complain               when               I               gave               him               a               bowl               of               cereal               with               the               Westsoy               Organic               Plain               Soy               Milk.

This               did               not               surprise               me               nor               did               it               disappoint               me               as               my               son               had               never               been               much               of               a               fan               of               drinking               rice               milk               either               unless               it               was               vanilla               flavored.

Keeping               all               this               in               mind               I               decided               to               get               this               soy               milk               again               the               next               time               that               we               went               shopping.

At               three               one               quart               containers               for               five               dollars               I               thought               that               it               was               a               fair               price               and               a               great               way               to               get               some               calcium               and               protein               among               other               nutrients.
               I               am               very               fond               of               looking               over               the               nutrition               facts               of               the               foods               and               beverages               that               I               buy               for               me               and               my               son.

In               a               cup               of               the               soy               milk               there               was               ninety               calories               with               thirty               calories               from               fat.

There               was               only               one               hundred               and               twenty-five               milligrams               of               sodium               and               forty               grams               of               potassium.

There               was               six               grams               of               sugars               and               seven               grams               of               both               carbohydrates               and               protein               in               this               soy               milk               as               well               as               twenty-five               percent               listed               for               phosphorus,               riboflavin               and               vitamins               A,               D               and               E.

Also               listed               was               thirty               percent               for               calcium               and               ten               percent               for               both               iron               and               magnesium.

I               was               pleased               with               what               I               saw               in               the               Westsoy               Organic               Plain               Soy               Milk's               nutrition               and               ingredients.
               The               ingredients               in               this               soy               milk               are               filtered               water,               organic               soy               milk               made               of               more               filtered               water               and               whole               organic               soybeans,               organic               dehydrated               cane               juice,               tricalcium,               phosphate,               sea               salt,               natural               flavors,               carrageenan,               vitamins               E,               A,               and               D,               and               riboflavin.

I               think               that               I               will               continue               to               get               this               brand               of               organic               soy               milk               as               long               as               it               is               on               sale.

One               quart               has               about               four               servings               of               soy               milk,               or               four               cups               of               soy               milk.

We               go               through               a               couple               containers               a               week               and               since               this               brand               is               the               cheapest               I've               found,               I               am               happy               to               get               it.

I               would               recommend               for               anyone               who               likes               soy               milk               to               give               it               a               try.

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    About 'nutritional info for milk'|The Great Indian Milk Opportunity For Pharma

    About 'nutritional info for milk'|The Great Indian Milk Opportunity For Pharma

    My               sister               and               I               are               always               trying               new               health               bars.She               watches               her               weight,               I               do               not               but               I               like               to               eat               healthy.

    In               my               latest               quest               for               the               tastiest               health               bar               I               found               a               brand               that               seems               to               be               consistently               tasty               without               being               too               sweet.

    I               found               the               South               Beach               Diet               High               Protein               Cereal               Bars.

    I               do               not               use               them               as               a               part               of               the               South               Beach               Diet.

    I               just               use               them               to               fill               in               as               healthy               snacks               and               energizers               for               desert               of               between               meals.

    I               like               the               fact               they               are               low               sugar               and               high               protein.

    A               box               of               five               cost               me               $3.99.They               are               individually               wrapped.

    Kraft               is               the               mother               company.

    They               can               be               found               at               most               drug               stores,               grocery               stores               and               places               like               Target               or               Wal               Mart,               usually               in               the               cereal               aisle..

    In               addition               to               the               Chocolate               flavor,               you               can               find               these               in               Cranberry               Almond,               Cinnamon               Raisin,               Peanut               Butter,               Peanut               Butter               Roasted               Peanut               (my               all               time               favorite)               and               Maple               Nut.
                   The               South               Beach               Diet               is               a               system               compiled               by               Dr               Agaston,               a               noted               cardiologist.

    It               has               three               major               goals               and               has               long               list               of               foods               made               for               them               to               help               in               the               diet               process..

    He               came               up               with               this               to               help               patients               lose               weight,               live               better               and               be               healthy.

    He               feels               this               is               a               lifetime               commitment               to               making               the               right               nutrient               rich               food               choices.

    This               diet               is               based               on               carbohydrates,               fiber,               lean               protein               and               the               right               fats               and               oils.

    His               system               is               meant               to               help               fight               hunger.

    If               you               join               the               on               site               program               you               have               access               to               meal               trackers,               nutrition               experts               and               registered               dieticians               who               help               you               with               this               program.

    You               can               contact               them               as               needed.

    You               still               are               required               or               allowed               to               eat               good               healthy               foods.

    All               that               said               I               just               eat               the               bars               as               a               healthy               snack.

    I               don't               diet.

    It's               a               three               step               program               that               says               :Lose               weight,reach               your               goal,               diet               for               life.

    Phase               one               of               Dr.

    Agatston's               now               famous               plan               is               called               Kick               Starting               Your               Weight               Loss.

    Phase               two               is               called               Reintroducing               the               right               carbs.

    Phase               three               is               called               Diet               for               Life,               it's               a               diet               for               life               lifetime               maintenance               strategy.

                   The               bars               offer               twice               the               protein               and               25%               less               sugar               than               leading               cereal               bars.

    As               I               mentioned,               I               do               not               diet               but               I               love               these               as               easy,               portable               snacks               and               easy               items               to               carry               when               I               travel               by               plane               or               go               to               the               beach.

    I               also               like               them               as               a               desert               after               dinner               or               late               night               snack.

    I               prefer               to               snack               on               something               healthy,               when               I'm               not               in               the               mood               for               fruit,               when               I               need               something               more               like               a               treat,               these               fill               the               bill.
                   The               bar               is               firm               with               a               drizzle               of               chocolate               and               lots               of               crunchy               chewy               texture.

    The               little               soy               nutlets               give               it               a               rice               krispy               texture.

    It               has               a               bit               of               ooey               gooey               when               you               bite               in               and               pull               away               as               though               it               has               caramel               in               it               though               it               doesn't.

    I               usually               prefer               dark               chocolate               ,               really               dark               chocolate               but               this               still               fills               my               chocolate               cravings.

    I               was               quite               pleased               with               the               all               around               flavor,               it               did               not               leave               any               nasty               after               taste               like               some               health               bars               do.

    I               would               most               likely               buy               this               again.
                   Ingredients               and               nutritional               info:
                   Calories               -               140               
                   Calories               from               fat               -               45               gr               
                   Total               Fat               -               5               g               
                   Saturated               Fat               -               3.5               g               
                   Trans               Fat               -               0               g               
                   Polyunsaturated               Fat               -               0.5               g               
                   Monounsaturated               Fat               -               1               g               
                   Cholesterol               -               0               mg               
                   Sodium               -               150               mg               
                   Potassium               -               170               mg               
                   Total               Carbohydrate               -               15               g               
                   Dietary               Fiber               -               3               g               
                   Sugars               -               7g               
                   Sugar               Alcohol               -               3               g               
                   Protein               -               10               g
                   Ingredients:               Soy               Nuggets               (Soy               Protein               Isolate,               Tapioca               Starch),               Sugar,               Maltitol               Syrup,               Fractionated               Palm               Kernel               Oil               (Palm               Kernel               Oil),               Soy               Protien               Concentrate,               Roasted               Soy               Nuts,               Corn               Syrup,               Oligofructose               (For               Fiber),               Evaporated               Cane               Juice               Invert               Syrup,               Sunflower               Oil,               Maltitol,               Brown               Rice               Syrup,               Cocoa               (Processed               with               Alkali),               Nonfat               Milk,               Milk               Protein               Concentrate,               Cocoa,               Calcium               Caseinate,               Calcium               Carbonate,               Tricalcium               Phosphate,               Lactose,               Salt,               Soy               Lecithin,               Butter               (Cream,               Annatoo               (color),               Salt),               Dextrose,               Whey,               Flavor               (Natural),               Palm               Oil,               Citric               Acid,               Mono               and               DiGlycerides,               Artificial               Flavor,               Cocoa               Butter,               Caramel               Color,               Ferric               Phosphate               (Source               of               Iron),               Niacinamide,               Sucralose               (Sweetener),               Zinc               Oxide               (Source               of               Zinc),               Magnesium               Carbonate,               Vitamin               B6,               Vitamin               A               Palmitate,               Riboflavin               (Vitamin               B2),               Thiamin               Mononitrate               (Vitamin               B1),               Vitamin               B12.

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    3. ironsherpa.blogspot.com/   10/01/2008
      ...Although this sample is not a set calorie range for everyone, it will give you an idea of how...oatmeal and 1tbsp nuts and 2tbsp 1% or soy milk o add in 1/2 sliced banana and sprinkle...
    4. tworedshoes.blogspot.com/   06/19/2011
      ...Dave Choi’s energy shake for athletes & Movie...unsweetened almond, rice or soy milk** 1 banana 1/5 of brick... one 24 oz shake. Nutritional info based on ...
    5. tworedshoes.blogspot.com/   05/14/2011
      ...Dave Choi’s energy shake for athletes & Movie...unsweetened almond, rice or soy milk** 1 banana 1/5 of brick... one 24 oz shake. Nutritional info based on ...
    6. pedalingzen.blogspot.com/   05/12/2012
      ... CoEnzyme Q10 for my heart, so I think the...ve noticed the milk is sweeter, and based on the nutritional info printed on the carton...
    7. pharmaceuticalshealthcare.blogspot.com/   12/06/2008
      ...in the future. Fortified milk products: The world-over... a mass approach to improve nutritional status of target populations. For eg., iodized salt ...
    8. shine.yahoo.com/blogs/author/ycn-1203939/   03/06/2012
      ...re better off avoiding-for good. Worst Caffeinated...with Chocolate Whipped Cream and 2% Milk Nutritional info: 530 calories, 19g fat (11g ...
    9. glutenfreebybabs.blogspot.com/   04/09/2011
      ... and allow to set for several hours, and... Gluten and (cow's) Milk Free Chocolate Cupcakes... absolutely delicious :) (nutritional info at the end of the post...
    10. genyfoodie.blogspot.com/   07/17/2011
      ...about 2-3" apart 8. Bake in center rack for 9 minutes and then cool 9. Serve with milk Nutritional Info: per cookie 139 calories 4.5 g...

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    About 'skimmed milk'|Gain weight on skim milk!

    About 'skimmed milk'|Gain weight on skim milk!

    I               was               a               vegetarian               for               many               years.

    For               a               briefer               period               of               time               I               was               vegan.

    Vegans               choose               not               to               eat               any               animal               products,               which               would               include               eggs,               cheese               and               milk               to               name               a               few               limitations.

    When               I               first               became               vegan               I               needed               to               find               a               milk               substitute               because               I               do               enjoy               cooking               with               milk,               including               cream               based               soups               and               casseroles.

    I               first               tried               soy               milk               but               hated               the               after               taste               which               made               me               make               a               sour               face.

    I               did               not               like               the               taste               of               soy               milk               in               prepackaged               products,               whether               it               was               vegan               organic               soups               made               with               soy               milk,               or               frozen               entrees,               or               just               trying               soy               milk               straight               up               to               drink               or               poured               over               cereal.

    Then               I               tried               rice               milk.

    The               taste               difference               for               me               was               like               night               and               day,               and               I               was               happily               pleased               with               rice               milk               as               a               "real"               milk               alternative.

    Before               the               1990's               boxed               drinks               were               not               so               common               place               as               they               are               now.

    Today               it               is               common               to               find               boxed               juices               and               milk               products               and               milk               alternatives               and               even               soups               and               much               more               in               boxes.

    I               first               discovered               box               drinks               overseas               in               the               1980's               long               before               they               became               commonplace               here               in               the               United               States,               where               they               are               now               very               popular.

    Rice               Milk               was               the               first               boxed               drink               I               ever               tried.
                   Rice               milk               is               great               because               unlike               regular               refrigerator               milk,               you               don't               need               to               refrigerate               it               until               you               open               it.

    It               has               a               fairly               long               shelf               life               too.

    So,               for               example               if               you               are               one               of               those               people               who               doesn't               know               how               much               milk               you               will               need               in               any               given               period               of               time,               rice               milk               is               great               so               you               don't               have               wasted               milk               to               throw               out               because               of               short               expiration               dates.
                   Sometimes               for               weeks               I               would               not               use               "milk"               and               sometimes               I               would               use               quite               a               bit               because               of               cooking               or               having               company.

    Rice               milk               is               agreat               solution               not               only               for               vegans,               but               for               anyone               who               likes               to               have               milk               on               hand               for               an               emergency               or               a               snow               storm,               power               outage,               bad               weather               etc.
                   Rice               milk               has               a               naturally               sweet               taste.

    So               if               you               are               making               a               recipe               that               calls               for               sugar,               you               need               to               scale               back               the               amount               of               sugar               you               use               to               not               make               your               recipe               too               sweet.
                   Also,               if               you               are               using               rice               milk               as               a               cooking               ingredient               to               replace               regular               milk,               do               not               accidentally               use               flavored               rice               milk,               such               as               vanilla               rice               milk.

    Choosing               a               flavored               rice               milk               could               ruin               a               recipe!

    So               be               warned!
                   Rice               milk               makes               recipes               creamier.

    You               can               use               rice               milk               for               many               many               recipes,               from               vegan               fettuccine               alfredo,               making               home               made               creamy               potato               soup,               mushroom               soup,               leek               soup,               or               vegetable               casseroles.

    You               can               make               vegetarian               lasagne               or               baked               ziti,               or               pumpkin               bread               or               pudding,               fantastic               rice               pudding,               vegan               mashed               potatoes,               even               chocolate               frosting               for               cake!

    The               uses               for               rice               milk               are               almost               limitless.
                   Rice               milk               is               great               for               those               people               who               are               lactose               intolerant,               and               for               people               who               lead               a               vegan               lifestyle.

    But               you               don't               have               to               be               lactose               intolerant               or               vegan               to               enjoy               both               the               taste,               benefits               and               ease               and               convenience               of               rice               milk               in               every               day               cooking.
                   You               can               use               rice               milk               to               make               smoothies               and               shakes,               to               make               vegan               ice               cream,               and               puddings               or               to               make               creamy               hot               oatmeal               with               fruit.
                   My               experience               with               rice               milk               is               I               like               to               use               an               open               carton               within               3               days               for               best               tasting               freshest               results.

    If               you               don't               feel               you               can               use               a               whole               carton,               you               can               buy               small               juice               box               size               (individual               servings)               of               rice               milk               and               you               will               not               have               to               worry               about               how               fast               you               use               up               the               product               for               freshness               once               opened.
                   My               favorite               brand               of               rice               milk               is               Rice               Dream.
                   You               can               visit               their               web               site               to               learn               about               the               variety               of               their               flavors               and               products               by               visiting               this               link
                   You               will               also               find               many               recipes               on               their               site.
                   Be               aware               that               rice               milk               will               also               have               more               calories               than               fat               free               or               skimmed               milk               cow's               milk.

    Be               sure               to               read               the               nutritional               label               if               you               are               counting               any               type               of               nutritional               aspect               of               what               you               ingest.

    Rice               milk               is               also               available               with               added               nutrients               which               some               vegans               may               find               beneficial.

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