2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'nutrition facts in milk'|In Colorado – The Raw Milk Diaries

About 'nutrition facts in milk'|In Colorado – The Raw Milk Diaries

When               I               go               grocery               shopping               and               reach               the               dairy               beverage               section               I               get               a               gallon               of               milk               for               other               members               in               the               family               and               a               half               gallon               of               soy               milk               for               me.

Generally               my               four-year-old               son               will               help               me               drink               the               soy               milk.

It               seems               like               we               always               get               the               same               kind               of               milk               every               week               but               enjoy               trying               out               different               soy               milks.

One               of               the               most               recent               ones               that               we               tried               was               8th               Continent               Original               Flavor               Soy               Milk.

Here               is               what               my               son               and               I               thought               of               this               non-dairy               beverage.

To               the               best               of               my               memory               this               was               the               first               time               that               I               had               tried               anything               by               the               8th               Continent               company.

I               generally               do               not               have               complaints               about               soy               milk,               but               you               never               know               what               to               expect               from               a               new               product               so               I               did               not               have               any               particular               expectations.

I               was               very               pleased               to               find               out               that               the               soy               milk               from               8th               Continent               was               very               good.

I               did               not               feel               as               though               it               had               a               cheap               taste,               and               it               was               more               inexpensive               then               the               leading               soy               milk               brands.

I               am               always               trying               to               find               ways               to               cut               down               on               our               grocery               bill               and               when               I               can               do               it               without               cutting               out               good               taste               it               is               nice.

In               addition               to               tasting               good               I               must               say               that               the               ingredients               and               nutrition               facts               of               the               soy               milk               were               very               good.
               In               one               serving               size               of               8th               Continent               Original               Flavor               Soy               Milk               there               were               80               calories               with               20               calories               from               fat.

I               was               surprised               to               see               this               because               in               Silk               Original               Flavor               Soymilk               there               are               100               calories               with               35               calories               from               fat.

The               inexpensive               soy               milk               offered               95               milligrams               of               sodium               and               360               milligrams               of               potassium;               when               compared               to               Silk's               120               milligrams               of               sodium               and               300               milligrams               of               potassium               it               is               incredibly               low               in               sodium.

I               am               always               impressed               when               I               see               something               that               has               a               reduction               of               sodium.

The               8th               Continent               Soy               Milk               also               offered               7               grams               of               total               carbohydrates,               7               grams               of               sugars,               and               8               grams               of               protein,               but               no               grams               for               dietary               fiber.

I               try               and               keep               an               eye               out               for               high               fiber               items               so               I               was               a               little               disappointed               by               this,               but               considering               that               Silk               only               lists               1               gram               for               dietary               fiber               I               was               not               too               concerned;               additionally               Silk               listed               8               grams               of               total               carbohydrates               and               7               grams               of               protein.

While               I               was               overall               quite               pleased               with               what               I               was               seeing               so               far               in               the               nutrition               facts,               the               vitamins               and               minerals               had               me               rethinking               that.
               At               first               glance               it               looked               as               though               the               vitamins               and               minerals               found               in               a               serving               of               8th               Continent               Original               Flavor               Soy               Milk               were               good               but               after               comparing               them               to               Silk               I               noticed               some               concerning               things               for               me.

Both               soy               milks               listed               vitamin               A               with               10%,               vitamin               C               with               0%,               Calcium               with               30%,               iron               with               6%,               and               riboflavin               30%.

Silk               did               not               list               phosphorus               but               8th               Continent               listed               it               with               25%.

Magnesium               was               listed               as               6%               for               8th               Continent               and               10%               for               Silk,               vitamin               D               was               listed               as               25%               for               8th               Continent               and               30%               for               Silk,               and               most               concerning               vitamin               B12               was               listed               as               20%               for               8th               Continent               and               50%               for               Silk.

This               was               most               concerning               to               me               because               vitamin               B12               is               very               important               to               include               in               a               low               or               no-meat               diet,               which               mine               is.

I               should               mention               that               Silk               listed               folate,               zinc,               and               selenium               with               6%,               4%,               and               8%               respectively               while               8th               Continent               did               not               mention               these.

The               ingredients               confirmed               what               I               thought               about               this               soy               milk.
               Since               I               had               compared               the               nutrition               facts               of               Silk               and               8th               Continent               soy               milks               I               thought               that               I               might               as               well               compare               the               ingredients.

The               8th               Continent               Original               Flavor               Soymilk               consisted               of               soy               milk               made               of               water,               soy               protein,               soybean               oil,               and               calcium               phosphate,               sugar,               potassium               citrate,               natural               and               artificial               flavors,               magnesium               phosphate,               salt,               sodium               polyphosphate,               dipotassium               phosphate,               soy               lecithin,               carrageenan,               xanthan               gum,               riboflavin,               vitamin               A               palmitate,               vitamin               D,               and               vitamin               B12.

Silk               on               the               other               hand               was               made               of               all               natural               soy               milk,               that               consisted               of               filtered               water               and               whole               soybeans,               all               natural               evaporated               cane               juice,               calcium               carbonate,               sea               salt,               natural               flavors,               carrageenan,               vitamin               A               palmitate,               vitamin               D,               riboflavin,               and               vitamin               B12.

I               was               disappointed               to               see               artificial               flavors               in               the               8th               Continent               soy               milk.

When               it               came               to               deciding               if               I               would               purchase               it               again               I               considered               several               things               before               deciding               make               an               opinion               of               this               soy               milk.
               Overall               I               had               zero               complaints               about               the               taste               of               8th               Continent               Original               Flavor               Soymilk               and               it               was               roughly               50               cents               cheaper               than               the               leading               brand.

For               the               most               part               I               enjoyed               the               nutrition               facts,               however               I               would               have               liked               to               see               more               vitamin               B12.

It               was               the               ingredients               that               really               got               to               me,               I               just               prefer               to               get               foods               that               are               free               of               artificial               flavors.

In               general               I               hope               to               find               an               inexpensive               soy               milk               that               has               natural               flavors,               but               I               imagine               that               if               Silk               is               too               expensive               I               will               get               this               again.

If               you               are               looking               for               an               inexpensive               soy               milk               I               recommend               trying               this               one,               but               only               if               it               is               significantly               cheaper               than               the               major               brand               that               offers               no               artificial               flavors.

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nutrition facts in milk

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nutrition facts in milk

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