2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'nutritional benefits of milk'|Got Milk The University of Washington Does

About 'nutritional benefits of milk'|Got Milk The University of Washington Does

If               you               are               trying               new               products               to               substitute               for               milk,               try               almond               milk.

When               created               properly,               almond               milk               has               many               benefits               that               will               increase               the               quality               of               your               diet.

Here               are               a               few               that               might               interest               you:               


Almond               milk               doesn't               taste               like               milk.
               One               benefit               of               almond               milk               is               that               it               definitely               doesn't               taste               like               milk.

Almond               milk               has               it's               own               unique               flavor:               light,               nutty,               crisp.

It               does               differ               from               milk.

So               if               you               hate               the               way               milk               tastes,               but               want               something               you               add               to               your               cream               of               wheat               or               coffee,               try               almond               milk.

It               won't               taste               like               milk,               but               will               have               the               same               consistency               that               you               need               to               enhance               certain               dishes.

Almond               milk               is               healthy               and               nutritious.
               Need               to               boost               the               magnesium,               potassium               or               Vitamin               E               in               your               diet?

Drink               almond               milk!

Almonds               are               full               of               these               essential               nutrients.

So,               as               you               consume               it,               you               are               increasing               the               level               of               health               in               your               diet.

Almond               milk               is               lower               in               calories               than               dairy               milk.
               Per               Discovery               Health               (See               table               at               bottom               of               page),               regular               and               plain               almond               milk               is               lower               than               calories               than               Fat-Free,               Skim               and               Non-Fat               milk.

One               glass               of               it               is               70               calories               versus               86               calories               of               its               counterpart.

Therefore,               you               can               enjoy               the               benefit               of               an               entire               flavorful               glass               of               almond               milk               without               destroying               your               diet.

Almond               milk               doesn't               have               to               be               refrigerated               in               an               icebox.
               Dairy               milk               has               to               be               refrigerated               or               it               will               spoil.

Yet,               you               will               see               in               the               stores               that               almond               milk               is               set               on               the               shelf               with               dry               foods.

It               doesn't               have               to               be               set               on               ice               to               keep               its               integrity.

This               fact               is               excellent               for               road               trips               and               camping               trips.

Use               almond               milk               instead               of               regular               milk               and               lessen               the               load               in               your               ice               chest.

Almond               milk               is               a               better               milk               alternative               than               soy               milk.

Although               the               FDA               touts               the               benefits               of               soy               milk,               others               don't.

Kaayla               Daniel,               the               author               of               The               Whole               Soy               Story:               The               Dark               Side               of               America's               Favorite               Health               Food,               says               soy               milk               isn't               that               good               for               a               diet.


It               is               full               of               sugar.

Therefore,               the               lift               people               feel               after               drinking               it               largely               has               to               do               with               its               sugar               content.

With               this               in               mind,               almond               milk               is               the               better               choice               because               of               all               of               the               nutrients               in               it               naturally.

Almond               milk               is               an               excellent               alternative               for               people               with               milk               allergies.
               Normally,               when               you               think               of               a               person               who               can't               drink               milk,               it's               because               they               are               lactose               intolerant.

Yet,               there               are               other               things               that               comprise               milk               that               some               people               are               allergic               too.

If               you               happen               to               be               one               of               those               people               or               your               baby               is,               almond               milk               is               an               excellent               alternative.

It               can               be               consumed               without               all               of               the               ill               effects.

The               residuals               of               almond               milk               can               be               used               in               baking.
               If               you               make               your               own               almond               milk               at               home,               you               know               that               there               is               pulp               left               over.

The               almond               pulp               left               over               can               be               used               in               recipes               that               call               for               it               -               like               cookies               or               even               crescents.

So,               you               get               the               benefit               of               creating               more               than               one               food               item               from               almonds.

Here's               one               recipe               off               of               Tribe.net:
               Cream               together:               
               1               cup               sugar               
               1               cup               earth               balance               margarine
               Add               and               mix               well:               
               2               tsp               vanilla               
               1               tsp               cinnamon               (optional)               
               1               cup               almond               pulp
               Add,               mixing               with               hands:               
               2               1/2               cups               all               purpose               flour
               Chill               for               a               couple               of               hours,               then               roll               out               and               cut               (Just               use               a               small               glass               to               make               circles).

Sprinkle               with               cinnamon               and               bake               8-10               minutes               at               350               degrees.

You               get               almost               six-dozen,               1-inch               cookies.

They               are               quite               tasty!

Almond               milk               can               easily               be               incorporated               into               a               raw               food               diet.
               There               is               a               lot               of               controversy               over               the               nutritional               and               health               benefits               of               dairy               milk               in               the               Vegan               community.

A               lot               of               it               has               to               do               with               hormones               and               other               things               used               to               process               and               preserve               milk.

As               a               result,               many               people               prefer               almond               milk               as               an               alternative               in               a               raw               food               diet.

It               can               be               used               to               create               smoothies               and               other               delicious               treats.

Also,               anyone               can               make               it               at               home.

Try               it               out               for               your               self               by               following               the               recipe               on               the               web               pages               "How               to               Make               Raw               Vanilla               Almond               Milk."

Almond               milk               is               one               product               part               of               a               new               wave               of               milk               alternatives.
               According               to               a               report               by               the               International               Market               for               Dairy               Alternatives,               the               U.S.

continues               to               grow               in               sales               and               production               of               dairy               alternatives.


For               several               dietary               reasons,               Americans               are               choosing               to               consume               non-dairy               products.

So,               the               U.S.

is               trying               to               meet               that               demand.

Be               part               of               the               new               wave               of               eating               right.

Substitute               almond               milk               for               dairy               milk               and               see               how               much               better               you               feel.

Almond               milk               is               an               excellent               alternative               for               lactose               intolerant               people.
               If               you               are               lactose               intolerant,               you               have               difficulty               digesting               milk.

As               a               result,               when               you               consume               it,               you               become               bloated,               gassy               and               sick.

Almond               milk               is               a               product               you               can               use               in               replace               of               milk.

Pour               it               over               your               cereal               or               drink               it               with               a               piece               of               cake               and               you'll               see               it               is               an               excellent,               tasty               alternative.

Therefore,               you               get               the               benefit               of               eating               your               favorite               foods               without               the               downside               of               a               negative               reaction               to               lactose.


               SOURCE:               Soy               Milk,               Rice               Milk               or               Almond               Milk:               Which               is               the               Best               Alternative               Milk               for               You?

Image of nutritional benefits of milk

nutritional benefits of milk
nutritional benefits of milk

nutritional benefits of milk Image 1

nutritional benefits of milk
nutritional benefits of milk

nutritional benefits of milk Image 2

nutritional benefits of milk
nutritional benefits of milk

nutritional benefits of milk Image 3

nutritional benefits of milk
nutritional benefits of milk

nutritional benefits of milk Image 4

nutritional benefits of milk
nutritional benefits of milk

nutritional benefits of milk Image 5

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    About 'nutrition of soy milk'|Homemade Soy Milk (duyu)

    About 'nutrition of soy milk'|Homemade Soy Milk (duyu)

    While               removing               sugar               from               my               diet               and               diet               of               my               family               has               never               been               a               pressing               manner,               I               like               to               do               it               as               much               as               possible               since               it               is               so               much               healthier.

    The               soy               milk               that               we               drink               varies               in               the               amount               of               grams               of               sugars               that               it               has               in               every               serving               but               on               average               it               is               around               six               or               seven               grams.

    I               believe               that               it               is               this               amount               because               so               often               the               second               or               third               ingredient               listed               is               sugar               or               something               to               that               effect.

    A               few               weeks               ago               I               asked               someone               to               pick               me               up               a               half               gallon               of               soy               milk               and               they               brought               back               a               variety               that               I               had               never               tried               before.

    It               was               Silk               Unsweetened               Organic               Soy               Milk               with               No               Sugar               Added.

    I               was               beyond               pleased               to               see               organic               soy               milk,               I               am               beyond               pleased               whenever               I               get               a               chance               to               try               something               organic,               and               very               pleased               that               it               was               unsweetened.

    Not               only               would               this               give               me               a               chance               to               reduce               sugar               in               our               diet,               but               I               would               get               a               chance               to               try               out               a               new               flavor               that               was               not               driven               by               the               adding               of               some               flavor,               such               as               vanilla.

    I               have               never               had               much               of               a               sweet               tooth               so               I               was               delighted               to               try               unsweetened               soy               milk.

    The               Silk               Unsweetened               Organic               Soy               Milk               with               No               Sugar               Added               was               positively               delicious.

    It               was               some               of               the               best               soy               milk               that               I               have               ever               tasted.

    I               liked               it               as               much               as               I               liked               Silk               DHA               Omega-3               &               Calcium               Soy               Milk               which               I               believe               is               my               favorite               soy               milk               to               date.

    I               do               not               know               if               it               was               the               absence               of               sugar               or               the               fact               that               the               ingredients               had               to               contain               organic               items,               but               the               taste               was               wonderful.

    It               was               very               smooth,               with               no               additional               flavor               or               even               the               essence               of               sweet               to               distract               you.

    This               made               it               ideal               for               all               sorts               of               recipes               and               great               in               a               bowl               of               cereal               or               oatmeal.

    The               ingredients               were               organic               soy               milk               that               was               simply               filtered               water               and               whole               organic               soybeans,               calcium               carbonate,               sea               salt,               natural               flavors,               carrageenan,               vitamin               A               palmitate,               vitamin               D2,               riboflavin,               and               vitamin               B12.

    With               so               little               accompanying               the               soy               milk               I               thought               that               the               ingredients               were               wonderful               and               hoped               to               be               just               as               pleased               with               the               nutrition               facts.
                   With               the               exception               of               a               lower               amount               of               sugars               in               the               nutrition               facts               I               did               not               expect               that               the               Silk               DHA               Omega-3               &               Calcium               Soy               Milk               would               be               that               different               from               what               I               was               used               to.

    However,               I               was               mistaken               about               this.

    In               one               serving               of               this               organic               soy               milk               there               was               80               calories               with               35               calories               from               fat.

    There               was               also               a               mere               85               milligrams               of               sodium,               300               milligrams               of               potassium,               and               only               4               grams               of               carbohydrates.

    The               calories,               sodium,               and               carbohydrates               were               quite               low               for               soy               milk               but               the               dietary               fiber               at               one               gram               and               protein               at               seven               grams               was               quite               common.

    Lastly               there               was               only               one               gram               of               sugars               in               the               soy               milk.

    I               was               quite               pleased               with               the               nutrition               fact               so               far               and               continued               to               be               pleased               after               reading               the               vitamins               and               minerals               in               the               soy               milk.

    Vitamin               A               and               magnesium               listed               10%,               calcium,               vitamin               D,               and               riboflavin               listed               30%,               iron               and               folate               listed               6%,               selenium               listed               8%,               zinc               listed               4%,               and               vitamin               B12               listed               50%.

    Overall               everything               looked               great.
                   I               was               so               happy               that               my               friend               picked               up               this               soy               milk               for               me               and               my               family.

    When               I               later               saw               the               Silk               DHA               Omega-3               &               Calcium               Soy               Milk               at               the               grocery               store               it               was               on               sale               and               the               same               price               of               the               non-organic               soy               milks               so               I               got               it               again.

    As               long               as               I               am               drinking               soy               milk               and               this               stays               at               a               good               price               I               hope               to               continue               to               get               it.

    I               loved               the               taste               and               really               enjoy               the               fact               that               I               can               be               drinking               organic               soy               milk.

    My               family               also               really               liked               the               taste               and               my               thoughts               are               that               if               they               are               not               missing               the               sugar               and               sodium               found               in               the               other,               I               do               not               see               any               reason               to               go               back               to               the               non-organic               alternative.

    I               would               happily               recommend               for               anyone               to               try               this               if               they               like               soy               milk,               and               highly               recommend               it               to               anyone               who               likes               soy               milk               and               needs               to               cut               out               sugar               and/or               sodium               from               their               diet.

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  • Related blog with nutrition of soy milk

    1. kelseycornelius.blogspot.com/   08/24/2007
      .... This is one of the finest moto...sure women have good nutrition and distributes...weight range. Doing a soy (soya) milk recipe with the ladies...
    2. oneofthejonesat.blogspot.com/   10/12/2010
      ...of soybean. Here is more on soybeans nutrition facts . The nutritional value of soy milk is almost the same as that of cow milk. Read more on soy milk vs cow milk...
    3. flavoursforu.blogspot.com/   02/19/2012
      ...or any other chopped nuts of your choice. Health and Nutrition: Positive Soy milk is a good source of protein and unlike cow's milk, it has little saturated...
    4. crystalcattle.blogspot.com/   07/10/2011
      ... a lot of my questions. Check out The Skinny on milk nutrition: Cow, goat, rice or soy? What kind of milk is in your fridge. Growing up I used to drink 2...
    5. foodgroupadventures.wordpress.com/   12/01/2012
      ... between unsweetened versions of soy milk and almond milk – because the sweetened... carb, higher protein). Nutrition: Almond milk weighs in at a tiny...
    6. nutritionally.blogspot.com/   03/17/2009
      ... Consultant and Chief Editor of Diet Basics, a website dedicated...weight loss success.', 190, 'Got Soy? Milk, Snuff, and Soy Beans, Nutrition, Nutrition articles, Nutrition...
    7. levelfivevegan.blogspot.com/   04/15/2012
      ...deficient in that. Oat milk: About 2% texture, a bit...like oatmeal and cereal. Nutrition: 1 cup Fat: 2.5g ...protein content. A LOT of carbs and ...special occasions. Soy milk: About 1% in texture...
    8. vegan8korean.wordpress.com/   01/26/2011
      ...simplicity. The solution, after a bit of reading, was to pick up the SoyaPower Plus. Soy milk makers are...on the fortified nutrition added to commercial...
    9. lamecherry.blogspot.com/   04/07/2013
      ...rape of the American nutrition structure which ... of soy milk to babies...genetic majority fed soy milk and mind ... animal class of freaks...
    10. wenchwisdom.blogspot.com/   07/08/2011
      ...well-rounded nutritional profile," Gazzaniga-Moloo said. [Infographic: Milks Compared: How...substantial number of Americans...allergy before age 16. Soy milk Pro: Made by...

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    2013년 11월 27일 수요일

    About 'nutrition whole milk'|...in some people’s breakfast. Whole grains, fruit, nonfat and very lowfat milk and real fruit juice are... provides excellent nutrition, turns off hunger well...

    About 'nutrition whole milk'|...in some people’s breakfast. Whole grains, fruit, nonfat and very lowfat milk and real fruit juice are... provides excellent nutrition, turns off hunger well...

    I               love               to               bake               and               make               candy.

    This               means               that               I               use               a               lot               of               sweetened               condensed               milk.

    This               ingredient               can               be               rather               expensive,               if               you               don't               know               where               to               shop.

    Before               you               know               it,               especially               during               the               holidays,               you               will               have               spent               $10               just               on               this               one               ingredient.

    But,               Clover               Valley               offers               sweetened               condensed               milk               that               is               very               affordable.

    Is               Clover               Valley               high               quality               though?

    Is               it               good               enough               for               your               recipes?

    Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               Review:               Taste
                   Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               is               one               of               those               products               that               taste               better               than               the               more               expensive               brands.

    It's               sweet,               creamy,               and               unbelievably               rich.

    This               product               works               so               well               in               recipes.

    I               mostly               use               it               in               my               three               ingredient               fudge               and               the               flavor               is               always               amazing.

    It's               hard               to               believe               how               affordable               Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               really               is,               when               it               tastes               so               sinful.
                   Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               Review:               Ingredients
                   If               you               worry               about               preservatives,               or               ingredients               that               you               can't               pronounce,               then               Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               is               a               product               that               you're               going               to               love.

    It               simply               contains               concentrated               whole               milk               and               sugar.

    This               makes               me               love               this               product               even               more,               because               nothing               turns               me               away               from               a               product               faster               than               an               ingredient               label               filled               with               preservatives.
                   Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               Review:               Nutrition               Facts
                   Granted               Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               is               not               a               healthy               product.

    A               serving               is               2               tablespoons               which               contains               130               calories,               30               fat               calories,               3               grams               of               fat,               2               grams               of               saturated               fat,               0               grams               of               trans-fat,               10mg               of               cholesterol,               45mg               of               sodium,               22               grams               of               carbohydrates,               22               grams               of               sugar,               3               grams               of               protein,               2%               of               your               daily               Vitamin               A,               and               10%               of               your               daily               calcium.

    While               this               may               sound               too               sinful,               remember               that               it               gets               added               to               a               recipe.

    It's               not               like               you're               going               to               eat               it               straight               from               the               can.
                   Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               Review:               Price
                   A               14               ounce               can               of               Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               will               cost               $1.25.

    This               product               is               sold               through               Dollar               General               and               is               much               more               affordable               than               the               brand               name               versions.
                   Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               Review:               Satisfaction               Rating
                   I               would               have               to               give               Clover               Valley               Sweetened               Condensed               Milk               5               stars.

    This               product               is               not               only               affordable,               but               it               tastes               wonderful.

    Any               time               I'm               going               to               make               a               recipe               that               calls               for               sweetened               condensed               milk,               I               always               choose               Clover               Valley.

    In               fact,               I               keep               it               stocked               in               my               pantry.

    The               next               time               you               make               a               recipe               calling               for               sweetened               condensed               milk,               try               the               Clover               Valley               brand.

    You               may               be               pleasantly               surprised               by               both               its               flavor               and               price               when               compared               to               brand               name               versions.

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      ... guaranteed. Dad's nutrition booster - Avocado and milk puree/avocado milkshake - Ingredients... and almonds Some organic whole milk Some honey Some fresh dragon fruit...
    3. wenchwisdom.blogspot.com/   07/08/2011
      ...almost double the protein of any other type of milk. And because it comes in several types — whole, 2 percent, 1 percent or skim — that nutrition is accessible no matter which option...
    4. iehealth.blogspot.com/   04/04/2011
      ...in some people’s breakfast. Whole grains, fruit, nonfat and very lowfat milk and real fruit juice are... provides excellent nutrition, turns off hunger well...
    5. housekept.blogspot.com/   06/01/2009
      ... selling delicious whole milk in our fine communities - try Crystal... skimmed the flavor and nutrition from the milk we drink, in a misguided...
    6. iehealth.blogspot.com/   03/23/2012
      ... grains and the foods made from them and eat only 100 % whole grain foods and not too much of those. 6. Another strategy is to...
    7. blvs.blogspot.com/   02/20/2009
      ..., sheep and goats are milked and this product provides an important part of the nutrition. The people drink and eat it as some kind of Yoghurt...
    8. napalmblog.blogspot.com/   03/20/2011
      ...we all read a fair amount on nutrition and diet and things...t feel like talking a whole lot about the science behind it... ice cold Chocolate Muscle Milk. And it's hard to beat ...
    9. iehealth.blogspot.com/   08/11/2011
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    10. babaneemkaroli.blogspot.com/   03/15/2008
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    11. Nutrition Whole Milk - Blog Homepage Results

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      ...from Johnson & Wales University; Now Im pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition in Hopes to become an RD. I love cooking for myself and ...

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