레이블이 Milk Nutrition Information인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Milk Nutrition Information인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'nutrition data milk'|Call for Innovators: Bridging Dairy Data Gaps

About 'nutrition data milk'|Call for Innovators: Bridging Dairy Data Gaps

As               human               beings,               we               begin               passing               and               digesting               food               as               early               as               development               inside               the               womb.

As               Americans               become               increasingly               known               for               their               extreme               weight               gain,               healthy               diets               and               eating               habits               are               more               crucial               and               important               than               ever               if               we               plan               to               live               better               and               longer               lives.

Over               the               past               several               years,               countless               diets               have               surfaced               in               modern               culture,               from               the               Atkins,               Carb-Buster,               and               even               a               Subway               Diet.

Despite               our               obsession               with               trend               diets,               most               Americans               do               not               understand               basic               nutritional               information.

The               following               data               may               be               helpful               in               continuing               your               healthy               eating               lifestyle.

There               are               currently               forty-six               recognized               nutrients               and               six               classes               into               which               they               are               placed.

These               categories               include:               carbohydrates,               fats,               proteins,               vitamins,               minerals               and               water.

Carbohydrates               come               in               two               forms-               simple               and               complex.

Simple               carbohydrates               (or               monosaccharides)               include               things               such               as               glucose.

Complex               carbohydrates               (or               polysaccharides)               contain               polymers               made               up               of               monosaccharides.

Overall,               carbohydrates               generally               include:               protein,               lipids               and               nucleic               acids.

(www.wikipedia.org)               Weight               and               health               issues               occur               when               our               bodies               get               too               much               of               one               or               too               little               of               the               other.

A               healthy               balance               of               each               is               necessary.

Ask               your               doctor,               family               physician               or               personal               trainer               to               set               up               a               daily               eating               schedule               for               you.
               The               first               vitamin               (Vitamin               A)               was               discovered               in               1913               by               the               University               of               Wisconsin.

Vitamin               C               was               discovered               soon               after               by               the               British               and               kept               a               secret               for               military               purposes               to               cure               their               soldiers               of               scurvy,               a               deficiency               disease               which               results               in               a               lack               of               the               essential               vitamin.

Scurvy               was               historically               common               among               sailors               and               pirates               who               stayed               at               sea               longer               than               their               perishable               fruits               and               vegetables               would               last.

(Blake,               Joan               Salge               Nutrition               &               You,               13)
               What               drives               our               food               choices               as               Americans?

Several               things               effect               how,               when               and               what               we               eat.

The               first               is               taste               and               culture.

Many               people               have               developed               specific               tastes               for               specific               foods,               as               well               as               strong               dislikes               for               other               foods.

This               applies               to               individual               people               as               well               as               cultures               as               a               whole.

For               example,               Hispanics               as               a               majority               consume               a               great               amount               of               cheese               and               meat               in               their               dishes.

Likewise,               Italians               consume               heavy               amounts               of               pasta,               which               is               rich               in               carbohydrates.
               The               second               reason               is               social               influence.

This               occurs               when               holidays               such               as               Thanksgiving               or               Christmas               come               around               and               the               idea               that               we               must               consume               large               amounts               of               food,               most               of               which               is               rather               unhealthy,               enters               our               mindset.

This               is               simply               not               true.

Third,               trends               and               advertising               affect               our               food               choices.

Millions               of               Americans               nationwide               flocked               to               Subway               restaurants               when               Jared               hit               their               televisions               screens               and               the               Subway               Diet               was               born.

Food               advertising               in               magazines,               television,               etc.

is               a               $10               billion/yr.


Additionally,               Americans               make               food               choices               based               on               time               and               convenience.

The               average               American               does               not               want               to               spend               less               than               fifteen               minutes               preparing               food.

(Waggener,               Dr.

Green               T.

"Nutrition:               Lecture               #1)               Finally,               habits               and               emotions               greatly               influence               our               eating               choices.

Eating               chicken               is               a               habit               for               many               people.

Similarly,               many               people               eat               more               when               they               are               sad,               stressed               or               angry.

Often               they               consume               unhealthy               amounts               of               chocolate,               ice               cream               or               other               things               rich               in               sugar.
               Good               nutrition               is               crucial               for               several               important               reasons.

A               healthy               food               lifestyle               helps               to               fight               off               disease               and               sickness.

Certain               foods               produce               antibodies               for               our               bodily               defense               system,               as               well               as               much               needed               proteins.

These               work               together               to               keep               us               from               catching               certain               sicknesses.

Just               as               cows               are               fed               supplemental               antibodies               in               their               food,               so               do               we               need               to               consume               foods               to               help               us               resist               disease.

The               top               three               causes               of               death               in               the               U.S.

from               poor               nutritional               choices               are               heart               disease,               cancer               and               stroke.
               Fifty               percent               of               Americans               die               of               heart               disease               and               the               majority               of               them               had               poor               heart               functions               for               fifteen               to               twenty               years,               completely               unaware.

Half               of               heart               disease               sufferers               die               quick               sudden               deaths,               the               other               half               die               over               time.

The               modern               medical               field               is               making               much               use               of               blood               thinners               to               prevent               individuals               from               blood               clots               that               can               lead               to               more               harmful               heart               issues.

This               is               why               many               older               heart               patients               cannot               get               bumped               around.

Ultimately,               better               nutrition               can               mean               a               less               painful               death               in               the               end.

A               quiet               death               in               your               sleep               is               much               more               appealing               than               a               sudden,               painful               heart               attack               or               stroke.
               Cancer               and               strokes               have               become               increasingly               common               within               the               U.S.

for               years.

Cancer               has               many               forms,               such               as               pancreatic               and               testicular.

Strokes,               which               tend               to               heavily               affect               the               African               American               demographic               (over               28%               of               blacks               have               high               blood               pressure:               Waggener),               can               result               from               long-term               lack               of               sodium               (salt)               intake.

The               popular               Dash               Diet               was               constructed               as               an               attempt               to               find               an               alternative               substitute               to               salt.

Over               25%               of               Americans               have               unhealthy               salt               intake               levels.

(Blake,               Joan               Salge               Nutrition               &               You)
               Calories               (also               known               as               kilocalories)               refer               to               "the               amount               of               heat               needed               to               raise               the               temperature               of               1               kg               of               water               by               one               degree               Celsius."               (Blake,               16)               Too               many               calories               is               what               leads               to               weight               gain               and               increased               fat.

Eating               less               makes               us               thinner.

Minerals               are               also               essential               to               health,               such               as               calcium:               the               number               one               mineral               needed               for               muscle               contractions               and               increased               bone               strength               and               density.

Calcium               can               be               gained               from               healthy               doses               of               milk.

A               low               amount               of               iron               (Fe),               yet               another               mineral,               can               eventually               lead               to               an               individual               becoming               anemic.

Anemia               occurs               when               an               individual               experiences               an               acute               loss               of               hemoglobin               in               their               red               blood               cells,               which               will               later               lead               to               hypoxia               in               bodily               organs.

(www.wikipedia.org)               Other               essential               minerals,               such               as               potassium,               can               be               gained               from               eating               bananas               and               oranges.

Potassium               should               be               replenished               after               extreme               workouts               and               physical               activity.
               A               well-balanced               diet               is               the               best               way               to               stay               healthy               and               nutritious.

The               majority               of               Americans               do               not               get               the               necessary               amounts               of               vitamins,               minerals,               etc.

that               they               need.

In               seeking               your               own               nutritional               health               information,               remember               that               a               Registered               Dietician               (RD)               is               the               most               qualified               individual               to               give               nutrition               advice.
               Works               Cited               &               Resources:

Blake,               Joan               Salge;               Nutrition               &               You               4th               ed.,               Pearson               Benjamin-Cummings               Publishers


Waggener,               Dr.

Green               T.

"Nutrition:               Lecture               #1";               Valdosta               State               University,               2008.


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